tisdag, oktober 03, 2006


Just back from a long weekend in Dublin. Went over for work related stuff and leisure. My friend Stefan had his 40th birthday that was celebrated in his and his wifes mansion, and it was a really nice evening. I had meetings with Lemonstreet Gallery and Filmbase for the upcoming Swedish cultural festival, Absolut Swedish in the beginning of next year. I also met up with art-dealer Mark, his splendid wife, her friend and his brother, first att IMMA and later at their house in the suburbs. Overall a great weekend with lot's of sun, a fair share of rain and loads of guiness...


Anonymous Anonym said...

Hej hej Pär!
Ozzy och jag tänkte att du vill fika nåt gött me oss i veckan! Eller ta en öl i helgen?

Puss och kram van tuben och ozz

12:15 fm  

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