Some pictures from the past week
I went to see The Chelsea Smiles with Magnus at Winston... Todd Youth and his boys entertained and it was a great gig. Such a sad thing that only 30 people came to see this rock'n'roll experience... Shape up Amsterdamers!!!
Chelsea Smiles guitarrist Skye and me comparing tattoo's after the gig.
Installation shot of the Swedish collaboration installation hosted by Jonas Ohlsson at the exhibition National Pride at Arti et Amicitiae in Amsterdam. Pär Strömberg, Jonas Ohlsson, Magnus Monfeldt, Etta Säfve, Dr.Broadcast and Mathijs de Bruijne contributed to the wall of Swedish Pride. See for exhibition info
Installation shot of our collaboration.
Visitors checking out my paintings among all the other stuff in out installation.
Me in front of the Åke Green monument sporting my values.
Artist Carl Michael von Hausswolff doing a sound performance/concert at the National Pride afterparty.
Sweet Nichole had her leaving due at O'reilly's... sadly she's moving back to Vancouver tomorrow, bye bye from all of us!