onsdag, maj 20, 2009

Ride The Lightning in Berlin - May 23

New exhibition by Swedish artist and WeSC-activist Pär Strömberg at Black Jim Gallery. After two very succesfull exhibitions in Amsterdam it's finally time for Berlin.
New charcoal drawings a few watercolors and some nice occult oil paintings will be shown for the first time in Berlin. Art, drinks, music and mingle...

Opening: Saturday May 23 from 16.00

Black Jim Gallery, Waldemarstrasse 21, Berlin/Kreuzberg (D)
E-mail: blackjim@live.de for inquiries and additional information

More info about Pär:
Pär Strömberg, born 1972 in Örebro, Sweden – lives and works in Amsterdam, The Netherlands and Stockholm, Sweden. Teaching at Örebro College of Art, Sweden. Four time nominated for the Royal Dutch Painting Prize (2004-2007) and winnar of the Wim Izaks Painting Prize in 2002. Represented in several important international collections. Travells and exhibiting all over the world in fairs, galleries and museums. See also www.parstromberg.com

Facebookers please rsvp at: http://www.facebook.com/home.php#/event.php?eid=76194387893&ref=ts

Going on now:
Darkness Visible, Serieuze Zaken Studioos in Amsterdam until June 20
Landschat, Galerie Bianca Landgraaf, Laren until September 26


måndag, maj 04, 2009

Darkness Visible in Amsterdam

Robert Malasch invites you and your partner to the exclusive opening of:
Darkness Visible
Pär Strömberg
Saturday 9 May 2009 from16.00 - 19.00 at Serieuze Zaken Studioos, Amsterdam

Extra: a Painting Solo Show by Pär Strömberg
New Works at stand 106
Art Amsterdam Jubileum Edition from 13th –17th May 2009, RAI Parkhal Amsterdam

Darkness Visible is on display until 20th of June 2009

Special thanks to: Caroline Kjellander and WeSC

This exhibition was made possible by the support of the Fonds voor Beeldende Kunsten

DJ Lonely aka Jonas Ohlsson & Guests will perform live & DJ at the openings

Serieuze Zaken Studioos
Lauriergracht 96 1016 RN Amsterdam, Netherlands Tel/Fax: 020 4275770 malasch@hotmail.com www.serieuzezaken.info
Open: Wednesday - Saturday 12-18 and the first Sunday of the month 12-17.
Image: Vinterriket, oil on canvas, 40 x 50 cm – Pär Strömberg 2008

Amsterdam, March 2009

Pär Strömberg – Darkness Visible
9 May –20 June 2009

Serieuze Zaken Studioos is pleased to present the exhibition by Pär Strömberg –
Darkness Visible. The title derives from John Milton’s description of hell in the epic poem
Paradise Lost and is also the title of William Styrons’ memoir of madness that has inspired
Pär Strömberg’s work during the last 10 years since his graduation at the Rietveld
Pär Strömberg (born 1972) studied at the College of Art in Sweden and at Rietveld Academy in
Amsterdam. He participated in shows at the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam (‘For Real’, 2000),
Stedelijk Museum Bureau Amsterdam (2002) and at the Centraal Museum Utrecht (2002).
His first show at Serieuze Zaken Studioos was in 2004.
His works are a registration of the landscapes of his native country Sweden, both physical and
psychological. Refering to the title of the show, Strömberg is influenced by the mysteries of the
occult. His work reflects the dark in a way that we see it illuminated, sometimes by unnatural and,
sometimes by natural light. Natural phenomenons also play a role in his work as do twilight zones
of dusk and dawn. When not possible to source the light, Strömberg implies a clandistine feel to
the narrative in his paintings. One wonders, is this a memory, a dream, a nightmare, reality or
Also the imagery of film making has an impact on Pär Strömberg’s work. The transparent or
translucent layering of paint makes the images float and the impression of a light source placed
behind the canvas is thus created. For Strömberg the imagery of the ‘70’s and ‘80’s horror movies,
which told much about the human psyche, are also a great inspiration for his work.
The interplay between the small sized works with their intimate yet epic feel, and the direct impact
of grandeur of the large works, like a scenery or backdrop you can walk into, makes this exhibition
a special experience.
Lately Strömberg has been working in Sweden and in Los Angeles, first at Raid as artist in
Residence. He also had group shows with Robert Berman Gallery and Sixspace.
This solo show will travel to the Serieuze Zaken Studioos Dependance in Los Angeles in the Fall of
The exhibition was made possible with support of Fonds Voor Beeldende Kunsten.

Serieuze Zaken Studioos will present Pär Strömberg at Art Amsterdam 2009 (13-17 May)
with new recent work.
Note to editors: Press Preview: 12 a.m. on Friday 8 May, with the artist in attendance.
For further information and requests for interviews and pressmaterials, contact Marian Cramer
+31 (0) 6 14780171, serieuzezakenstudioos.photonet.nl
See also: www.serieuzezaken.info
Serieuze Zaken Studioos, Lauriergracht 96, 1016 RN Amsterdam, +31(0)20 4275770
Open: Wednesday – Saturday, 12am – 6 pm. First Sunday of the month, 14 – 17 pm