onsdag, augusti 29, 2007

What a Miss

You gotta love this... educated miss south carolina

  • American Map
  • Thanks

    Thanks Fonds BKVB of Holland,
    Sicilly, here I come...

    tisdag, augusti 28, 2007

    Press for Year '07 art fair in London

    Year_07 Art Fair :: Destroy Babylon

    featuring Heather Cantrell, Sarah Cromarty, D'nell Larson, Russell Nachman, Chad Robertson, Pär Strömberg

    October 11-14, 2007
    County Hall, Westminster Bridge Road, London

    Music has the ability to express, empower, shape, and define a generation. For the Year 07 London fair sixspace presents the curated exhibition Destroy Bablyon that explores/highlights the influence of music within contemporary visual art. Named after the seminal DC punk band Bad Brains' song "Destroy Babylon" on their 1982 "Rock for Light" album, the artists in this exhibition embrace their musical influences in styles from such as photographs of the indie-rock scene, paintings based on black-metal, oil paintings re-creating the pop-phenomenon of song mash-ups, watercolors depicting the death of the 1960s hippie utopia ideal, the re-appropriation of vintage album covers, and a video of lounge singers singing 1990s love songs.

    The exhibition room will be a rock-n-roll lovers room with the art hung in a casual, interactive manner. There will be an old couch in the booth to re-iterate the lounge feel as well as an iPod station featuring song compilations by each sixspace gallery artist that can be listened to at the booth or purchased online at iTunes.

    Bad Brains - Destroy Bablyon lyrics
    Don't beat yourself upside the head. Don't beat yourself for this. Don't beat yourself upside the head, don't beat yourself for this. Oh, there is a way out. It's a natural plan, the natural. How many days do we sit around, while they keep on burying all our leaders in the ground. Organize, centralize. It's time for us to fight for our lives. Destroy Babylon. Oh there is a way.

  • Sixspace

  • Year '07
  • måndag, augusti 27, 2007

    Message from Jonas Ohlsson

    This is an invite and message from my friend Jonas Ohlsson about coming Friday's (31st) Big Party!!!


    Hello friends!

    Everybody knows that I always try to hype my shit up!!!!
    This time I don't need to though.
    The whole Swedish freak scene is coming over.
    We celebrate the 10 year anniversary of me and Kai's (my best friend)
    30 year party.
    It will be BIG. between 30...40 SWEDEN friends are coming over to party
    in W 139 friday 31st of August.
    The party starts at 18.00, because MANY bands and DJs will have to
    Noise, techno, house, electronica and so on...Until we get thrown
    DJ Lonely will of course also hit the wheels of Steel, AND Zwarre of
    Börft records, legendary Swedish underground house label....
    more info later in the week.

    You might have noticed that the flyer looks pretty dry and boring
    well I am 40 now and I think it is time to move on from the colorful
    flyers with tits & ass and pent up frustrations.
    I now aim for a more mature, stylish Jop van Bennekom style...

    Also ..there is a interview with me in Metropolis M, this was done
    right before I turned 40 so then I was still childish and aggressive.
    Please read the English version in the end of the magazine.
    The Dutch translation is....well it is not easy to translate my tuff
    "Straight out of Compton" slang so I blame no one...but it seems like 80 % of the jokes didn't survive.

    so P...O...L...I....C....E.....read the english version.

    tisdag, augusti 21, 2007

    Spoted in Swedish tabloid NA (in swe only)

    4 augusti 2007
    Augustibuller: Reflektioner på dagen

    • Jag blev under Last Days Of Aprils spelning antastad av en hippiegubbe som smekte mig ömt på ryggen. Förbluffad gjorde jag inte en Glenn Hysén. Lite senare kom gubben fram och förklarade sig: jag hade så fin tröja, tyckte han.

    • Trallpunkgänget Varnagel hade ett riktigt fanfölje à la Turbojugend som invaderade festivalområdet lagom till deras spelning med flaggor och banderoller i högst hugg. Bandet var dock förfärligt.

    • Dagens internationella Örebrokändis på festivalen: konstnären Pär Strömberg iklädd en egenhändigt designad "Strömberg" tröja utformad enligt punkbandet Black Flags logotyp.

    • När Franky Lee ställde sig på scenen hade i alla fall 50% av Millencolin spelat på Augustibuller i år, Mathias med Franky Lee och Larzon med Kvoteringen.

    • Jag träffade på en kille som hade en video i sin mobil med rollatortanterna från förra bloggen dansande till NY Ska Jazz Ensemble. Killen bekräftade också att tanterna är vanligt förekommande i Lindesbergs nöjesliv och att han hade bjudit dem på drinkar på krogen. När han frågade vad de ville ha svarade de iskallt: "En sån där 'Orgasm'". Misstänker förövrigt att en av dem är damen som porträtteras i dagens NA.

    • När solen ligger på är Lindesjön vansinnigt vacker.

    Av Anders Jakobson kl 16:20 4 Augusti
    » Kommentera » Läs kommentarer (1)

    Back in the Dam

    So, I've been back in Amsterdam for a week now and it has been quite good. Been working hard in my studio and some new work is falling in to place. I just want this to be a short update of my coming events. More info will shortly follow as everything gets closer to certain dates.

    August 31 - Party and Opening at W139, Warmoestraat 139 in Amsterdam, NL ( Jonas and Kai's 40th birthdaybash with performances from a.o. Enema & Gejonte)

    Sept. 20 - opening O.D.E.A., Brahegatan 3 in Stockholm, S (Groupshow at Marcel Strüwer and Pernilla Stödbergs brand new gallery)

    Oct. 11 - opening of Year'07, London Art fair, UK, with Sixspace of Los Angeles (Groupshow with a.o. Chad Robertson)

    Oct. 19 - opening of The Dutch Royal Painting Prize, Gemeente Museum, Den Haag, NL (Jurated prize exhibition)

    Nov. 20 - Dec 6 - Teaching at Örebro college of Art, SE (painting project with year 1 and 2 of the free art department)

    Dec 1 - opening, Chatarina Kapell, Haarderwijk, NL (soloshow in a 400 yrs old chapell)

    Dec 1 - opening, Galleri Örsta, Örebro, SE (gallery groupshow)

    I'll keep you posted with more accurated details, addresses, times etc.
    hope to say you soon,

    torsdag, augusti 09, 2007

    Crayfish party

    Me and my family had a Swedish traditional Kräftskiva. Me and my dad are having a Nubbe of the best schnapps you can get, Skåne. Skål!

    tisdag, augusti 07, 2007

    Radio på svenska

    Lyssna på P4 Örebro's Blå Stations radio intervju med mig från idag. Scrolla ner på sidan till tids blocket 14.30 - 15.00, intervjun börjar ca 11 minuter in i programmet.
  • Lyssna Här
  • Live Radio

    Today (Tues 7 aug) at 14.30 I'll be doing a live radio interview for local broadcaster SR P4 Örebro. The program is Blå Station and I will talk a little about my coming working period. The interview and program are only in Swedish unfortunately.
  • Radio P4 Örebro